Saturday, February 17, 2007

A Word from the LORD 2-11-7

My Love will always see you through and not just get by. I have not made you to just get by. READ MY WORD. It is full of Abundance, Joy,Love and Peace. I AM GOD is there anything too greaty for ME! Of Course not --So Trust ME and Seek ME and you will always find ME. I have plans for you so do not fear! I will confound the world by what I will do through you. The time of MY Will and MY Greatness is NOW. There is no other time but NOW--So NOW I do MY work in you. NOW I show my Glory in you, NOW is the Victory. Not tomorrow or next week or month or year but NOW.
I AM always working and talking STOP and BE STILL and hear ME. I AM not far away or hard to reach, I AM right here, right NOW, always with you and in you. Nothing can stop my plans But things can stop you. This is why I say Stay Close to ME. Let not the world entangle its self around you or bring you down. Stop and Listen to ME. I will always make your way clear and your path strait. TRUST ME, that is all I ask Trust ME and then you will see. See it in your heart, see MY promises made true in your heart. Work with ME on this, Trust me in your hearts. Prepare your hearts with MY Word, My promises and MY LIFE(JESUS). HE sums up all. See HIM in your hearts and fear will never reside there.
JESUS represents ME in the Flesh so you can see ME. See HIM and all HE did and does, see HIM in you life, see HIM making ways where there are none. See Him blesing, healing and prospering you. See HIM in you! Trust ME! I say TRUST ME...

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