Monday, February 19, 2007

Sunday 2-18-07 Two Words Given to my wife and I

These are two Words given in our home church 2-18-07. I want to share them with you because we are all GOD's children and these are for every child. The first I received the second my wife did. Be blessed.

#1) My Love never fades, my love is eternal. From everlasting to everlasting my Love stays the same. It was love that formed the universe and holds it together. It was love that set forth the stars that feed the earth and the solar system. It was my love that formed man and breathed My Life into him. It was Love that redeemed him when he fell and took all of creation with him. It is my love that sustains you and gives you all things. It is love that holds back the wrath that is to come, it is love that stops it.
Never underestimate my love, though you can never fully comprehend it. Dive into my love and depend on my love. There is no situation that my love is not the cure. In all your ways acknowledge ME that is my love. My love brings Abundance, it brings Joy, it brings Peace and Healing. Love and I are inseparable for I AM Love. Yes! Meditate on that, let it sink deep into your soul. Know this, it was my love that stayed the destruction of Nineveh. My love toward them and their love toward Me, as it was then so it is now. You know what that means.
Preach My Good News, prepare hearts to receive Me by telling them of my Love. Show them My SON in all His Glory. Clear your mind of your thoughts. Think My thoughts, seek My ways. I sent my SON to save the world, why do you condemn. Preach My Word and my Life. Reconcile! That is your ministry, reconcile the lost to Me. I AM in you crying out to them, don't silence Me, unite with Me to save my lost ones. Hold fast to my Love and you will never fail. Tell them.

#2) I love you! I died for you . You are always in my heart. Trust me to always be in your heart. I AM your constant companion. Put all your care upon Me. For I care for you like no other. O loved you before you knew Me. I will guide you and give you wisdom in all things. Lean on Me I AM the solid rock and the foundation of Life. Fear not for I AM with you today, tomorrow and always. All things and all beings are under My control, so have leave all your worries to Me. I hear all, see all, know all. All you need to do is fellowship with Me. I long to give your the desires of your heart. Desire Me first, all things will be added if it is My will.
Remember, I AM your Father and your are My child. I want to see you laugh and serene.

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